Berikut sedikit contoh soal dalam modul bimbel Aqila Course tentang teks diskriptif (Descriptive) Kelas 8 SMP
Text for 1 – 4
The Titanic was the biggest ship in the
world at that time. It had good facilities such as: a fully air conditional
cabin, restaurant, bar, mini shop, recreation space, ship’s band and singers,
medical facilities, telephone, etc.
When the Titanic sailed from Southampton
to New York in April 1912 with 819 crews and 1316 passengers, it sank after it
sailed for four days. It happened in North Atlantic Ocean. It hit a very big
Because there were not enough lifeboats
and all the passengers or the crews were very afraid, the ship sank rapidly, no
one was safe.
1. Where did the tragedy happen?
1. Where did the tragedy happen?
a. in the high way
b. in the sea
c. in the harbor
d. In the air
2. It
had good facilities. The underlined word refers to ….
a.the ship
b. the world
c. the time
d. that biggest
3. Which
paragraph tells us that all people died?
a.Paragraph 3
a.Paragraph 3
paragraph 2
1 and 2
paragraph 2 and 3
4. Where
did the Titanic sink exactly?
a.Southeast continent
a.Southeast continent
North Atlantic Ocean
in the sea
I have a new
member in my family. It is a cat. I call it Keket.
Keket has soft
white fur and likes to lick its paws. It is also curious and likes to explore
its new surrounding It seems like milk and fish alot and wait eagerly as I
prepare its meal.
Besides the cat
that my father took from the road is very important for me. It give some lesson
about “cat talk”. When it is near me it always purrs. The expresses friendship
with me. When I do my homework it often bumps its head with mine. I know
this the way to say hello. When it is curious it sticks its whiskers straight
out and twitches with excitement. Sometime it approaches something carefully
with ears pricked forward. This shows its alert. When it stalk a bird under the
banyan tree beside my house it waves its tail. This shows that it is
trying to make up its mind whether to creep or pounce. As soon as it make up
its mind the waving tail usually stops.
Of course, I
sometimes get angry with Keket. When it feels threatened it hisses and spits.
It thrashes its tail and its fang. Its ears lie flat and its eyes dilate.
Keket seems like
me very much. I know this because it always follows me wherever I go. I thank
Got for giving me such nice cat.
5. What is the text about?
a. Some cat talk
b. A cat name Keket
c. Some favorite
d. The way to get good cat
6. The following statements are true about
Keket, except ….
a. It is a cat with soft fur and and likes to lick its paws.
b. The
writer thinks it likes him very much.
c. When it makes up its mind it waves its tail.
d. The
writer’s father found it under the banyan tree.
I love dogs very
much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie and Dottie.
Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie
is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur? Brown, of
course that’s why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a slim
body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. The last
is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short
legs. He’s very strong.
I always take care of my dogs everyday.
7. What
kind of text is the text above?
8. The
generic structure of the text is … .
description – identification
Identification – description
Orientation – events – Reorientation
Reorientation – events – Orientation
9. ‘They
are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie’ . The sentence is the …. of the text.
10. ‘
He’s short with long body and four strong legs’
The sentence is one of the ……… of the text.
The sentence is one of the ……… of the text.
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